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发布者: [发表时间]:2021-09-03 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

郭伟 理学博士/副教授、校聘英才岗/硕士研究生导师

教学:主讲本科的力学、热学、光学以及研究生的计算物理等课程。受 Alberto d'Onofrio 教授邀请,参与编写由 Springer 集团出版的书 《Bounded noises in physics, biology and Engineering》(完成第12章)。

科研:当前研究兴趣:1)拓扑活性物质的遍历性破缺;2)非厄米系统的拓扑相变。已在 Physical Review E, Physical Review B, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Physica A, Europhysics Letters,Chaos Solitons & Fractals 等 SCI 刊物上发表论文 20 余篇。与合作者提出两个物理概念:“Cross-correlated Sine-Wiener Noises”和“Entropic Vibrational Resonance”;发现活性粒子集体运动中的“Weak Ergodicity Breaking”。【详见 Physica A 391 (2012) 1270,Phys. Rev. E 102 (2020) 012149 和 Phys. Rev. E 107 (2023) 024114】。

主持国家自然科学基金项目 2 项(编号:12165010 和 11547027);主持云南省科技厅基础研究计划—面上项目 1 项(编号:202101AT070145)。作为团队负责人,主持 2 个昆明学院校级科研团队:(1)“非厄米拓扑物理”科研特色团队,2023年立项;(2)“经典和量子系统中的拓扑表征及调控”科技创新团队,2020年立项。


曾获昆明学院优秀教师(2023年),SCI刊物 Physica A 的“Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing”(2017年),“云南省优秀博士学位论文奖”(2017年),“‘高等教育杯’第二届全国高等学校物理课程讲课比赛‘云南赛区二等奖’”(2016年)等。


课题组现有博士生 1 名(合作培养),硕士生 7 名。

Email: guoweiphys@163.com


[12] Hong-Da Shi, Lu-Chun Du, Fei-Jie Huang, and Wei Guo*, Weak Ergodicity Breaking and Anomalous Diffusion in Collective Motion of Active Particles under Spatiotemporal Disorder, Phys. Rev. E 107, (2023) 024114.

[11] Wei Guo*,Ying-Zhou Liu,Fei-Jie Huang, Hong-Da Shi*, and Lu-Chun Du*, Brownian particles in a periodic potential corrugated by disorder: Anomalous diffusion and ergodicity breaking, Chaos Soliton. Fract. 174, (2023) 113903.

[10] Hong-Da Shi, Lu-Chun Du, Fei-Jie Huang, and Wei Guo*, Collective Topological Active Particles: Non-ergodic Superdiffusion and Ageing in Complex Environments, Chaos Soliton. Fract. 157, (2022) 111935.

[9] Fei-Jie Huang, Qi-Hui Chen, Yong-Ping Fu, Wei Guo, Yifen Zhao, and Hai Yang, Interaction of vector Bose gases with fermionic superfluids, Phys. Rev. B 103, (2021)224512.

[8] Lu-Chun Du*, Ruo-Shui Han, Jia-Hao Jiang, and Wei Guo*, Entropic vibrational resonance, Phys. Rev. E 102, (2020)012149.

[7] Yong Li, Wei Guo*, Lu-Chun Du, and Dong-Cheng Mei, Subdiffusion and ergodicity breaking in heterogeneous environments subject to Levy noise, Physica A 514, (2019) 948.

[6] Wei Guo*, Yong Li, Wen-Hua Song, and Lu-Chun Du*, Ergodicity breaking and ageing of underdamped Brownian dynamics with quenched disorder, J. Stat. Mech., (2018) 033303.

[5] Wei Guo*, Lu-Chun Du* and Dong-Cheng Mei*, Anomalous diffusion and enhancement of diffusion in a vibrational motor, J. Stat. Mech., (2014) P04025.

[4] Wei Guo and Dong-Cheng Mei*, Stochastic resonance in a tumor-immune system subject to bounded noises and time delay, Physica A 416, 90 (2014).

[3] Wei Guo, Can-Jun Wang, Lu-Chun Du and Dong-Cheng Mei*, Effects of time delay on transport processes in an active Brownian particle, Physica A 392, 4210 (2013).

[2] Wei Guo, Lu-Chun Du and Dong-Cheng Mei*, Coherence and spike death induced by bounded noise and delayed feedback in an excitable system, Eur. Phys. J. B 85, 182 (2012).

[1] Wei Guo, Lu-Chun Du and Dong-Cheng Mei*, Transitions induced by time delays and cross-correlated sine-Wiener noises in a tumor–immune system interplay, Physica A 391, 1270 (2012).

Book Chapter

[1] Wei Guo* and Dong-Cheng Mei, Interplay between cross correlation and delays in the sine-Wiener noise induced transitions, in“Bounded noises in physics, biologyand Engineering” (ISBN: 978-1-4614-7384-8) edited by A. d'Onofrio, Birkhäuser /Springer, New York, 2013.